Mauritius the perfect wedding destination!
being together in what Mark Twain described as a "Blueprint for Paradise".
Strolling along
the white sands of unspoilt beaches; sailing and swimming in tranquil
lagoons; or just wandering through the exotic tropical gardens.

Mauritius is
an all year round destination, so it doesn't matter
what month you choose for your wedding or honeymoon. The hospitality
and warmth of the Islands people will ensure that your wedding or honeymoon
is a dream to remember.(wedding
Everything you need to know!
We guarantee
only one wedding a day at many of our wedding properties.
You can get married on any day from Monday to Friday with the exception
of public holidays, but you must be on the island a minimum of three
days prior to your chosen wedding date in order to complete the necessary
We shall arrange for your designated wedding
co-ordinator to contact you early upon your arrival and to make the necessary
excursion into Port Louis where the Registrar there
will discuss and arrange times and dates with you, along with wedding
vows, marriage certificates etc.
as far ahead as possible to ensure the wedding date of your choice is
available. We will take care of all the arrangements on your behalf All
you need to do besides looking forward to the big day is to send us photocopies
of the necessary paperwork.(See
essential information section).
If any of your
documents are not in English, it is necessary to have
them translated and notarised by an officially recognised translator.Your
wedding will be a civil ceremony, which is legally recognised under British
Law, but cannot be registered in the United Kingdom.
We will tailor
make the whole day to your requirements. Our wedding co-ordinator
will meet you shortly after arrival at your chosen hotel to run through
the proceedings with you and to discuss details, where in the grounds
or resort you would like the ceremony to be held.
Your attention will be directed towards such items as
wedding dresses, wedding invitations, wedding speech, photographs, wedding
rings, hairstyling and the like. All of which your wedding co-ordinator
will assist you with.
cost of your wedding and what is included is detailed in the
essential information section.**
services are available such as flowers, photographs video, wedding
music, wedding cakes all of which can be paid for locally. For an indicative
cost please see the essential information section - or contact Nichola
or Kirstine
on telephone :0113 2773 663 who will be only too please to assist you.
After your wedding around the 4pm (local time), you
can sail into the 'sunset' sipping Champagne and start your married life
as you mean to go on - by enjoying life together.
to wear?
The question
of what to wear is very much a personal choice. Whether you prefer a
formal or informal style you should bear in mind that Mauritius has a
tropical climate so lightweight fabrics are advisable.
For transporting
your wedding outfits: Air Mauritius and British Airways recommend items
should be boxed or packed into separate suitcases, and they will be placed
in the hold of the aircraft. We will arrange to have your outfits pressed
for you free of charge upon arrival at your hotel resort.
For many couples,
getting married in a tropical paradise without any guests is very appealing.
To others, taking friends and family is important. For this reason, at
the Trou Aux Biches and Shandrani all members of the wedding party will
receive the same discounts as the bride and groom. They will also be
able to enjoy the special candlelit dinner offered to all couples who
get married and spend their honeymoon in Mauritius. This offer is not
always available during late December and early January.
If you have
any other queries please do not hesitate to call us - we are here to
answer all your questions and help in any way that we can and remember,
we visit our resorts regularly and have an intimate
and happy relationship with
them - your satisfaction is assured.
To Someone Who's Been !
Telephone: ( 0113 )
2773 663