Wedding Invitations - here
are our some ideas and solutions to organising and sending wedding
invitations to friends and relatives, especially when arranging
to have your wedding abroad.
You may mention to friends that you are going to get married
abroad and to further mention that your chosen exotic destination
is the island Mauritius.
This may raise a few eye-brows of interest, for
who would turn down an opportunity to visit such a 'paradise
island' especially for a wedding ?.
it rarely (if ever) happens just like that.
Friends may show an interest, however, the
next stage and [all important challenge] for you, is how do
you turn that interest into 'action' and make the whole event
actually happen ?.
This is where our experience can help !
We list below just some of the problems that have to be acknowledged
and addressed :
Not all the interested parties possibly live or want to fly
from the same airport.
Not all can (or want to), go for the same duration.
Not all have the same budget, and therefore their choice of
accommodation may have to be adjusted, yet still be close-by
to everyone elses.
Your friends need a contact person who can sort-out any booking
problems and any amendments that might inadvertently come along
before and after departure.
How does one organise everything and make it all work like clock-work
It's very simple really, [we] have a method a system that we
have 'fined-tuned' over the many years that we have been arranging
such 'group wedding invitations' - that all you need do is contact
either Nichola or Kirstine and they will explain.
If you're wanting to to have friends join
you abroad for your wedding and considering sending wedding
invitations - but don't know the best way to approach the whole
idea - then consider this your lucky day, for you've
just found two specialists that organise group invitations weddings
abroad on a daily basis and are here to help you . . . .
PS. If you're not
having family or friends joining you abroad for your wedding
day, you might like to consider the idea of having your wedding
towards the middle or the end of your holiday rather than at
the beginning. We mention this for as often as not you will
make friends
with a similar couple as yourselves at the resort and they will
almost certainly be just delighted to have the opportunity of
being by your side on your 'big day'.- experience has taught
us that this often can spread into quite a small group of six
or more - above all enjoy - you will have a great time !.
Contact without obligation
Nichola or Kirstine
To Someone Who's Been !
( 0113 ) 2773 663